Please note that all ShutDown Now! questions should be directed to Carsten Stratz and any questions about MBM to me

If all options here are disabled then ShutDown NOW! has not been detected on your PC.


Use ShutDown NOW! on the Alarm of sensor:

default := Unchecked; Sensor 1:=Unchecked; Sensor 2:=Unchecked; Sensor 2=Unchecked; Voltages:=Unchecked;
Check the main checkbox to turn on SHDN!, use the sub checkbox to select which alarm to use SHDN! on

Launch ShutDown NOW! with the following switch:

default := Shutdown the system;
The option you select here determins how MBM calls SHDN, read the SHDN documentation for more info

Select ShutDown NOW! Countdown

default := 15 seconds;
When your selected sensor has reached it's alarm value, MBM will show a countdown dailog telling you it will launch shutdown NOW! in X seconds. Do not lower this to much since it might give you some nasty surpirces

To explain how it all works: If an alarm goes off, and you have select that same alarm on the SHDN tab, then MBM will write this to the LOG file, save your settings of MBM, and launch SHDN countdown dialog.

You then have 3 options

  1. ignore it, let it countdown and let it launch shutdown NOW! with your select parameter
  2. press the Launch SHDN! button to speed up the proccess
  3. press the Cancel button to cancel the prossess, this will cause the SHDN! alarm to be turned off

So as you can see, you can leave your PC unattended and if for some reason say your CPU gets to hot your pc will shutdown.

About SHDN

This section holds some general info about ShutDown Now!, click on the URL to go to the ShutDown Now! webpage at: